Bink Studios

28, Feeling Great

(Most of the time)

A few years ago, I realised that I was way more anxious than other people in my circle were telling me or showing me they were. I went on a bit of a crazed frenzy. I read as much about anxiety that I possibly could. My go-to in any book shop was the self-help section. My Google history was a mixture of Uni stuff, work stuff and ANXIETY.

I came to the realisation when I was having consistent mental breakdowns caused by spiralling thoughts, stress, other lifestyle factors and literally just ‘having’ anxiety.

It was at a time when mental health wasn’t really spoken about. Now I’m writing a blog post about mental health that could be seen by anyone. Thank you, progress!

Anyway, it was a lot. It still is sometimes. But the beauty is that you can heal. You can heal, or at least find peace, with mental conditions and life in general. Even if it feels like you’re wired ‘wrong.’ If you put in the time and make an effort to look after yourself, you will see the benefits.

I’ve done a lot of lazy, right-brained research on mental health, finding balance, morning routines, building habits, burn out, natural healing, the list goes on. I’ve been scribbling notes from quotes like these, self-help books, documentaries, interviews, magazine articles, podcast episodes, YouTube videos, movies, therapy, affirmations, other humans etc.

I recently went through said notes and found:

28 ideas that still hit different, for me.

  1. Good things take time. Great things take a little longer. — Unknown
  2. When you focus on the good, the good gets better. — Abraham Hicks
  3. If there was no rain, there would be no flowers. And above the rain clouds, there is always sun.
  4. Some things are meant to be experienced, not understood. — Herbal Healing
  5. What is my reality right now? Am I safe? Do I need to worry?
  6. Prioritizing your physical and mental health has a positive snowball effect on your entire life.
  7. Everything is figureoutable. — Marie Forleo
  8. Celebrate the small wins.
  9. Your habits are a vote for the identity you wish to have. — James Clear
  10. What we know matters, but who we are matters more. Brene Brown
  11. Protect your energy.
  12. Life can be messy sometimes. — Meet Cute, movie
  13. Design your dream life and then go after it. Step by step. Day by day.
  14. Remember why, often.
  15. Action comes before motivation. Waiting for inspiration is like waiting for a train at the airport. — Leigh Michaels
  16. Artwork and stories are meant to be shared. — Jake Frew
  17. If your story is not inspiring you, it’s time to change it. — Isaiah Hankel
  18. Your second life begins when you realize you only have one. Raphaëlle Giordano
  19. Negative things happen. Negative mindsets make them harder. — James Clear
  20. It is always the right time for a fresh start.
  21. Growth is painful, change is painful… but nothing is as painful as staying stuck where you do not belong. — Mandy Hale
  22. Vulnerability is the core, the heart, the center of meaningful human experiences. Brene Brown
  23. Everything that I need, I already have. Everything that I have is all that I need. Anything I desire, I will receive. Because my reality is created by me. — TikTok
  24. When we are wrestling with ourselves, when we are wrestling with our mind, that means a breakthrough is about to come… Clarity doesn’t come when you are already in a clear state of mind. It comes when we have been wrestling with our mind. A breakthrough will come when you are ready to receive it. Unknown Podcast
  25. To see the world, things dangerous to come, to the sea, behind walls, to draw closer, to find each other and to feel, that is the purpose of life.The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, film
  26. The more time you spend in the moment, the richer your life will be. Jen Sincero
  27. Magic is around us all the time; occasionally, we are blessed with the ability to glimpse it directly. Hold the sense of wonder in your heart, even after the episode ends. Herbal Healing
  28. You are not your thoughts, you are aware of your thoughts. You are not your emotions; you feel emotions. You are not your body; you look at it in the mirror and experiences this world through its eyes and ears. You are the conscious being who is aware that you are aware of all these inner and outer things. Michael A. Singer

Some of these are thoughts inspired by thoughts, some are rephrased, and others are direct quotes. I hope I credited all of them correctly!

I wanted to share some nuggets of wisdom from others here, in the hopes that they help you on your journey. Even if it’s only a moment of lightheartedness.

These words have weighed on me at times, picked me up, lightened my mood, and given me countless reality checks.

Let me know your favourite one in the comments!

Kelsi aka Bink


Disclaimer: These words are to be ‘taken with a grain of salt.’ Bink is in no way a mental health expert. Bink’s personal thoughts, opinions and suggestions should not replace professional advice. We simply intend to share what helps us in the hopes that it may help you, too. We promise not to suggest anything that is harmful or extreme. If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact us via email at [email protected].


4 Responses

  1. You are not your emotions, you feel your emotions AND vulnerability is the core, the heart, the centre of meaningful human experience 🥲

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